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Uncertainty is a part of life, and our financial professionals value lasting strategies that help protect our clients’ best interests. We offer strategies across a spectrum of services that help ensure the continued protection of your loved ones, your assets, and more. We will defend what you’ve worked so hard to achieve.


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Financial Services

At University Financial Group, our goal is simple: to help grow and protect your assets. Across a broad spectrum of services, we help you promote and establish your financial independence. We have an in house accountant to help with your tax preparation needs.


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We lead with strategies, not products. The foundation of our investment management philosophy relies on understanding your unique situation. Only then will we begin to select investments with your best interests in mind.


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Employee Benefits

Our customized employee benefit plans assess your company’s unique situation, analyze your team’s diverse goals, then build strategies to recruit, retain, and reward your top talent. We research current costs and programs from some of the nation’s top benefits providers to find cost effective, high quality solutions for your firm’s needs.